Ways to save money are all around us, we just have to be open to using them. Finding ways to cut back on spending is sometimes as simple as examining our habits. Choose one part of your budget and find new ways to save money, then move on to another category. Soon all aspects of your budget will be adding more money to your savings account.
Use a few of these ideas to save big on your automobile travel.
[1] Slow it down.
Studies have shown that the faster you go the more gasoline your vehicle will use. Lower your speed to put savings in your pocket.
[2] Use your brakes less.
Less speed is one way of cutting down on using your brakes, avoid tailgating is another. Not only do you burn more gasoline each time you use your vehicle's brakes, you also ware out the brake pads faster, too.
[3] Do regular maintenance on your vehicle
Keeping your filters, belts and tires in the best condition can make a big difference in the fuel use of your vehicle.
[4] Do not let your vehicle sit and idle
If you know you are going to be stopped for more than 30-60 seconds,[not counting time waiting at signal lights] turn your motor off. The motor only needs about 5 seconds of fuel to restart, anything over that is wasting fuel and your money.
[5] Check for alternate routes
If you travel the same route to work or events, look for other routes. Sometimes we can find shorter routes or less fuel use ways. Look for routes with less signal lights, pot holes or hills to climb. All these things cause you to use more fuel. Saving one dollar a day is 365 dollars in a year. Do this with 5 different everyday events and you will have saved $1825.00 in one year.
[6] Lighten the Load
All of us carry little used items in our vehicles. Unload them, put them in the garage, where they belong. Every extra pound of weight you carry in your vehicle, adds to your fuel cost.
[7] Roll down the windows
Air conditioning can account for 25% of your fuel cost. For slow city travel, roll down the driver's window a few inches and the back passenger window on the opposite side for increased air flow. When going faster, close the windows and turn on the ventilation fan. Only use your vehicle's air conditioner on high heat days.
Using one or several of these suggestions will not only lead to more money in your budget but less ware and tare on your vehicle, allowing it to last longer before it needs replacing, thus meaning more savings.
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